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Relationships between power, reactive power, voltage levels and load angle

Written By Sajib Barua on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 | 9:20 AM

The phasor diagram for the system in Figure 2.16 is shown in Figure 2.17, assuming that the load has a lagging power factor angle ϕ. The line or cable is represented by its impedance clip_image002, and clip_image004 is again neglected (being usually much smaller than clip_image006. The voltage drop across the transmission line is jclip_image008, which leads the phasor I by clip_image010. The angle between clip_image012 and clip_image014 is the load angle, δ and
clip_image002[4] and clip_image004[4] (2.17)
clip_image006[4] (2.18)
From this we get the power flow equation
clip_image002[6] (2.19)

and the reactive power equation for the receiving end
clip_image002[8] (2.20)
Evidently clip_image002[10] as long as the transmission losses are negligible. At the sending end,
clip_image004[6] (2.21)
Phasor diagram for Figure 2.16
Fig. 2.17 Phasor diagram for Figure 2.16.
from which it can be shown that
clip_image004[8] (2.22)
Note the symmetry between this expression and the one for clip_image008[4] in equation (2.20).
Example 1
Suppose clip_image002[14] p.u. and clip_image004[10] p.u.(The per‐unit system is explained in Section 2.13. If you aren’t familiar with it, try to read these examples as practice in the use of normalized (per‐unit) values. In effect, they make it possible to forget about the units of volts, amps, etc.) The transmission system has clip_image006[8]. and clip_image008[6] is negligible. We have clip_image010[4] so clip_image012[4] and clip_image014[4]. Then clip_image016 p.u. and clip_image018[1] p.u. Thus the receiving end is generating reactive power and so is the sending end. The power factor is lagging at the sending end and leading at the receiving end. The phasor diagram is shown in Figure 2. clip_image020[1] (not to scale).
Example 2
Suppose clip_image002[1] p.u. while the receiving‐end voltage is reduced to clip_image004[1] p.u., with clip_image006[1]. and clip_image008[1]. Now clip_image010[1] and δclip_image012[1], slightly larger than in example 1 because clip_image014[1] is reduced by 5%. Also clip_image016[1] clip_image018. and clip_image020 clip_image022 p.u. Since clip_image024 is positive, the sending‐end generator is generating VArs. clip_image026 is also positive, meaning that the receiving‐end load is absorbing VArs. The phasor diagram is similar to that shown in Figure clip_image028 (but not to the same scale).
Notice that a 5% reduction in voltage at one end of the line causes a massive change in the reactive power flow. Conversely, a change in the power factor at either end tends to cause a change in the voltage. A 5% voltage swing is, of course, a very large one. Changes in the power tend to produce much smaller changes in voltage; instead, the load angle δ changes almost in proportion to the power as long as δ is fairly small clip_image030[1]then clip_image032.
The transmission system has an inductive impedance and therefore we would expect it to absorb VArs. If we regard clip_image034 as another impedance in series with the load impedance, we can treat it the same way. The current is obtained from clip_image036 p.u., and Iclip_image038 p.u. Therefore clip_image040 p.u. clip_image042 p.u. (with clip_image014[7] as reference phasor). The voltage drop across clip_image044 is clip_image046 and the reactive power is clip_image048 clip_image050 p.u. Note that this equals the difference between clip_image024[2] and clip_image026[2].
We could have made a similar calculation in example 1, where clip_image052. Again this is clip_image054. In Example 1 also clip_image056, which means that each end of the line is supplying half the reactive VArs absorbed in clip_image044[1].
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